Rapid Cycling and Doubled Haploids

The crossing of parent plants is the first step in the breeding process and aims to create new variability by combining genes of interest. Before having enough seeds per genotype to permit phenotyping, several generations are needed to fix the genetic background and develop homogeneous genotypes and to increase seed volume. In order to speed up this process, greenhouses and growth rooms with controlled growing conditions are used to continuously produce plants throughout the year.

This technology is used for some specific breeding programs, especially to add one or more genes required for certain market segments. Production of new homogeneous and stable genotypes can also be produced thanks to a technology called haplodiploidization. This is the development of genotypes from haploid cells that are related to the pollen or ovule, but without fertilization. This technology is applied for the majority of our crops and allows for the production of new genotypes for phenotyping in a shorter time.

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